December 2017
LHL Risk Report
Letter to Shareholders
Issue 12: Building up LHL's investment in Technology
November 2017
LHL Risk Report
Letter to Shareholders
Issue 11: Tax cuts in the US, Equity market potential in India
October 2017
LHL Risk Report
Letter to Shareholders
Issue 10: Bioscience, Energy & Transport technology
September 2017
LHL Risk Report
Letter to Shareholders
Issue 9: LHL is close to steady state
August 2017
Letter to Shareholders
Issue 8: LHL makes its 10th investment; Technology
July 2017
Letter to Shareholders
Issue 7: Selling mature assets, Falling share of OPEC's oil
June 2017
Letter to Shareholders
Issue 6: LHL makes its 9th investment; Events-trading
May 2017
Letter to Shareholders
Issue 5: Building up LHL's investment in the US
April 2017
Letter to Shareholders
Issue 4: On the topic of 'rebalancing' at LHL
March 2017
Letter to Shareholders
Issue 3: Building up LHL's investment in Real assets
February 2017
Letter to Shareholders
Issue 2: Frothy properties in Canada, New housing starts in the US
January 2017
Letter to Shareholders
Issue 1: What makes LHL different
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This website has been compiled in good faith. No representation is made as to the accuracy of the information it contains, nor any commitment to update it. LHL reserves the right to add, modify or delete any information at this website at any time.